Thursday, November 17, 2011

Andy Warhol said, ‘in the future everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous?

That is true; everyone got a chance to be famous once in your life, small things make us famous. Having facebook and twitter makes you famous. I would love to be famous for 15 minutes, get noticed by people who don’t know me, like:
·         Cooking dinner for Will Smith
·         Play a role in Big Mama’s house movie
·          Dancing on TV
·         Singing my Nation anthem on TV
·         Playing soccer with David Beckham and Christiano Ronaldo
·         Being on the Newspaper and News will make me even more famous
·         Creating  a drug to heal HIV/AIDS
 You get famous for doing, talking or taking a picture with someone who is famous. Also being a role model to others makes you famous.  I just can’t wait for my 15 minutes of world famous.

A skill set called leadership

Some people still argue whether a leader is born or made, what do you think, to me a leader is born, in my country we have an example of a born leader that is Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, the first black president. He is the role model, he brought forgiveness and love and today the nations have come together, because God has sent him to do that.

You can learn a lot from him, everywhere you go people knows him. Oh I love this man. We need people like him, who can be able to lead other people. According to my studies a leader is someone who is responsible and accountable. Leadership is a status given to exemplary individuals and is not something that can be taken. You can be educated but that does mean you can be a leader. You can be uneducated, but you can be a great leader. A leader treats everyone equally, no favouritism. Would love to be a leader, have all the leadership qualities.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Half of the world

What is that? People have different perception about the world that we live in; here is the poetry e about the world that I live in.
This world is full of people
This world is full of women and men
This world is full of animals
This world is full of Christians and Devil worshipers
This world is full different cultures

Half of the world is going left, right and centre
Half of the world doesn’t know how to smile
Half of the world is very poor
Half of the world laughs, while others cry
Half of the world smoke drugs.

Half of the world cares
Half of the world love
Half of the world sings happiness
Half of the world drinks water, while others drink juice
Half of the worlds are vegetarians
Half of the world makes money, while others took it.

This is my world love it, hate it or live it, but you cannot run away from it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read’’ (Frank Zappa) – Comment

They believe in music, their message comes from music, this means they can talk and read. Rock journalism are people who write about metal music, that loud music, with all the bands and everything, they sing what they feel, they are honest people who believe in truth.
In my opinion, these people are the best at bringing peace, love and happiness, I’ve seen how they people and want people to believe and trust each other. If you want the Rock stars they are young and matured people. So Mr. Frank I have to disagree with this statement, because these people can write, talk and read. They are the most beloved people in the world. They have a message and modest voices, who believed in their culture.

Friday, October 28, 2011

I have a dream

I dream of flying away
I dream of catching a falling star
I dream of my wedding
I dream of planning and preparations
I dream of cows on the moon
And pink grass

I dream of my job as a CEO
I dream of heaven sitting next to Jesus
I dream I’ll meet them someday
I dream of my own family  
I dream of a bed of roses
And how prickly that must be

I dream of firefly friends
I dream of a lighting bug show
I dream of being a shinning star
I dream of hot air balloons
I dream of polar bears
And penguins

I dream of snow
I dream of rain
I dream of summer
I dream of fall
I dream of day
And night

I dream of the moon
I dream of stars
I dream of going to Mars
I dream of driving my own million car
I dream of how I’ll love my subjects
And people always said I belonged on another planet

I dream of love
I dream of faith
I dream of hope
I dream of culture
I dream of life
And I dream sweet dreams

I have a dream

Thursday, October 27, 2011

List your top 200 Achievement

1.    Wearing my school uniform for the first time in 1994
2.    Passing my grade 1
3.    Learn to swim
4.    Getting an award by being the best in one of my subjects
5.    Learning other languages
6.    Drawing pictures
7.    Learn to write my name
8.    Having friends
9.    Learn to pray (our father who art in heaven)
10. Learn to cook and wash the dishes
11.  Learn to do my own laundry
12. Learn to do all the household work
13. Entering athletics competition
14.  Attending  Grade 7 farewell function
15. Going to high school to start grade 8
16.  Singing in school choir
17. Being number one in old mutual choral music
18. Travelling with a bus to Durban for the finals
19.  Singing a solo
20. Going to a dentist for the first time
21.  Being on a train for the first time
22.  Passing my grade 12
23. Getting my learners licence
24. Applying for driver’s licence for the first time
25. Going to work for the first time
26. Having my own bank account
27. Getting my first salary (my Mom kissed me)
28. Being accepted in CPUT
29. Doing presentation for the first time
30. Passing my first year
31. Going to in-service training
32. Accepting Jesus as my saviour
33. Singing in church choir
34. Wearing my black and white
35.  Getting my Diploma
36. Passing my bridging course in PR
37.  Accepted to do BTech in Public Relations
The rest is still coming but for now this is where my list ends, hoping to add it soon.

Monday, October 3, 2011

What motivates me?

When you go to interview this question always pop out, what really motivates you as a person? Motivation is both the desire and willingness to do something without being pushed or forced. It is something that is coming from your hearth.  A perfect example when you at work, if you are not motivated at work you will never succeed you will feel like someone is forcing you to do something that you don’t want to do.
I’m motivated by people around me that encourage me not to give up; in this world you have to fight for what you want. Fear of failing my studies and fear of not learning form my mistakes.  Success and challenges motivates me, because sometimes people think you can not do something, I like proving myself that I can do something that someone else thinks is beyond me. People may judge you but don’t give up, this is where you are mostly encouraged. I believe the fact that bad things happen to good people, but they never be discouraged. If we can all be like a businessman out there, who don’t give up, they fight until the end,
Business people really motivates me a lot, I also have a dream of owning my own company one day. The best way motivate yourself is to set inspiring worthy goals. You are most likely to stay motivated if you have plenty of good reasons to accomplish your goals and are mindful of the consequences of failure.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

1.    Wasting time playing social network, instead of getting your work done.
2.    Gossip about other people personal life (celebrity gossip news)
3.    Chatting to someone you don’t know (strangers)
4.    Finding  strange things on the internet that will scary the rest of your life
5.    Accidently sending someone else (boss, lecturer, manager or your mother) your message instead of your friend.
6.    Finding out that people are not what they say they are (fake).
7.    Seeing naked pictures of people, which you didn’t expect to see.
8.    Dating the wrong person.
9.    Lying about who you are.
10. Downloading music and movies to your phone including fake CD’s and DVD’s

The elephant in the room

Who was lying and now the truth come out. The truth is something that we cannot run away from, it always have its own way of coming out. Imagine a big fat animal in your room, tell me what you will do, run away, that won’t solve anything. Elephant in the rooms means the truth came out at last, now you have to face the consequences of it.
My mom used to told me not to lie, always tell the truth, even if how bad it is. I’m a child of God; I must always tell the truth as it, because it will cost me the rest of my life.  My clan name is Ndlovu (means elephant in English) that means elephant is one of my favourite animals. Even if I can find elephant in my room it’s no danger to me, because we are the same in fact an elephant is my great-grandfather, so I will welcome it serve it with coffee and food. Our grandparents used to share the same bed, why can’t we do the same, that is of my cultural background.
I am Ndlovu an elephant woman.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Make it Happen – Taking Initiative

Do you make things happen for yourself and for your friends or teammates? Or, do you wait for someone else to tell you what to do? No matter what job you're in, you'll only be successful if you can "make things happen."
"There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened." This is where it's essential to take initiative. People who have initiative and make things happen are highly valued especially in workplace, but, what is it? And how can you develop it?
When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough; and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by. You act, instead of reacting, for example at work most of us have seen initiative in action. Maybe you've seen a young manager who fills her boss's shoes when she's sick and the rest of the team is unsure what to do; or perhaps you've seen a team member proposing a process improvement plan to the executive board.
Initiative has become increasingly important in today's workplace. Organizations want employees who can think on their feet and take action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do. After all, this type of flexibility and courage is what pushes teams and organizations to innovate, and to overcome competition.
Nedbank says Make things Happen

Every day is a good day

The sky is blue, roses are red, the sun is shining and everyone is smiling. What else can you ask for, if you have all of these things. This should always keep you in a good mood. Every day is a good day we must give thanks to the Lord our saviour. Whatever situation you are facing, always remember that it’s God only who create a day and night.
Remind me of a song by Vickie Winans that says ‘’everyday is a good day to give thanks unto the lord for all he’s done for us, for he has done great things. Oh how we love him, how we love him, How we love him for what he’s done.’’
So please agree with me, when I say no matter how you look at your day, believing in who you are and what you are, everyday is special, that is why we as humans we should always celebrate everyday that we live, because you will never know what can happen tomorrow. My teacher used to tell four things that will encourage if you ever feel like giving up:
·         Turn every challenge into an opportunity.
·        Cope with radical change without falling apart.
·        Heal from difficult past experiences.
·        Find serenity, happiness, and meaningful success
Every day when I wake the first I do is to pray and thank God for a day he gave me, because it’s his mercy that I’m awake, even before I sleep at night I always pray. This is how I celebrate my day.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses.

Sometimes our strength comes from our weakness. When I heard this topic the first thing that comes to my mind is honest, love and money. These are the things that we cannot live without them, they are our life, and we can’t afford not to have them in our lives, but sometimes they break our hearts and bring us down.
Even if we try we cannot run away from them, they are our strength but they can turn to be our weakness as well. You love and trust someone with all of your heart, but he/ she will be the one who break your heart, what do you do? As a woman of this century I know how it feels to be heart broken, I can tell you that crying won’t solve anything or make you feel better but it will make things more difficult for you. Then there’s one more heart breaker that is called money, where can you go without money, because for everything you must have, even if you go for an interview you must have transport money and you must look good, to tell you the truth without money is the same as you are not living in this planet, maybe underground. In my culture even if you want to ask a permission to marry a girl, before you even talk you must put R1000.00 in the table, then you can start talking.   
We love, we trust and love money as well they come as a greatest strength to us, but they are our weakness. You must be careful for what you want, what you hope for and the possible consequences that lead to it.

How to survive on a minimum wage

You may find this very funny, but there are people who cannot have control of their money, its true what they say the more you get higher income, the more you your problems (financial) arise, why?

The answer(s) is very simple:  You are unable to control your money, want more expensive things that are more than your income, your friends, family are putting more pressure on you (peer pressure), you can’t budget for what you have and lastly you can’t accept yourself for who you are and what you are. Competition is everywhere you have to learn to deal with it or else you will end up being financial depression or on financial crisis and depression is not good for your healthy.  I know things are very expensive in these days, but it’s always good to start doing something else that will add up to your income, but it must be legal, like starting your own business.  You cannot always depend on your work income only, because it may not be enough.

As human beings we have this perception of saying money is not always enough, some people think that surviving on minimum wage is impossible, especially in today’s economy, the key is to have a plan and to know where you’re and where you’re going so that there are no financial surprises in the way. Start budget for what you have and work on it. Remember you only have one life.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Try a Cliché

Life is full of different clichés, and we as humans we came across those clichés, some are good some are bad for us, because we believe in words rather than action. If somebody says I love how easy or difficult to believe that person if he or she meant what she/ he says.

I’ve been fooled, you’ve be fooled by people who pretend to love us but they just want to hurt us more and more, when s it going to stop, today, tomorrow or never. You know what it’s up to us to stop that. Some people cannot differentiate between love and money. Each everyday you hear people talking about their love life and after that they talk about money, on the relationship they say it goes together. If we say that, then what is a difference between you and people who are selling their bodies for money (prostitutes?) because what I know if you are in love with someone, in order for you to get money you must sleep with him, there is no way he will give you his money without sleeping with him and that is the truth, I mean I see this things everyday and unfortunately its not good at, because you end – up having HIV or other diseases, this happens mostly to young women of this world including teenagers.

We need to be careful you have a good future ahead of you, don’t spoil it. Wait for your time don’t rush. The world is in our hands.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Feelings follow behaviour

Our behavior, actions and words determine the feelings we have. The way in which each person reacts to a specific situation is largely based on their own personal judgement and conditions, our behavior do not only determine our own feelings, but those of the people around us as well. It all starts with feeling then follow actions.

Most of us think that feelings only work when it comes to love only, but its not always the case. Everything we do is based on what we feel; bear with me when I say even a one month baby have feelings. People often misunderstood the fact that feelings follow behaviour.  The feeling of waking up early and get to work in time, the feeling of driving a car in a high speed and end up causing accident or hurting yourself, feeling of eating a pie every morning. Every feeling always follows behaviour, before you think about what you want to do, always think about what you feel, because some decisions can be based on what you feel and remember feelings don’t lie, because they are coming from your heart, your soul, your body and your mind. You start with what you feel then follow your actions.

Sometimes our feelings are often governed by people who around us or influence us in life and people we spend most of the time with.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The story of my Life

My name is Fikiswa Mlandu, well you probably know me by now on I am blog and the blog about me, but I’m not going to tell you about where I come, what I like, who I am and so on. I’m going to tell you about my life and the experiences I had gone through in life; you can call it ups and downs of life.

I live in township called Khayelitsha in Cape Town. I am a born again Christian, I work part- time (during weekends and holidays), study. I work hard to be where I am today, although I still have a long way to go. I grew up in Cape Town, study and work in Cape Town. I live with my parents and my two siblings. My parents have been married for more than 25 years and they love each other. I started my primary in 1994, I was very happy as it was my first day wearing a school uniform. In 2000 my father lost his permanent job, things started to change; my parents were fighting all the time, because no money or income was coming in. It was terrible experience at that time, as I was going to High School 2001. I never thought of dropping out. The next coming years things got worse than ever, we struggle a lot; sometimes I even ask my self why my parents bought me into this world. I really hated myself, I had a grudge, anger, but you know what I always told my self one day I will be out of this situation and that encourages me to work hard for everything that I want, nothing comes cheap in life. My family is what motivates me.

I can write three books about my life; this is just an introduction or summary, but all I can say is during all the difficulties I went through God was and still my life savoir. 


Friday, June 24, 2011

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

We all know who are those people who talk a lot but no action and we must not pretend like we don’t know. We hear them everyday on Radio’s TV making all the promises in the world and we often fall for it, some of you may think about politicians only, but you are wrong.

They say action speaks louder than words, that doesn’t only relate to politicians only, but yourself as well. This year you made a promise to yourself that you will do this and that, but how many have you managed to do it. We as human beings we talk a lot, making promises to our children, families, friends and ourselves, but when those promises are not fulfilled we ended up very hurt and hurt those who close to us.
‘’Talk is cheap and it is true. Many who talk do it solely for the attention and thus we never see any action. Lectures, doctors, nurse, lawyers talk a lot and they will always do, because it’s part of their job. What would happen if the whole world cannot talk for one day, trust you don’t want to know, but that day will be called QUITE DAY, I wonder how business like Retail and client services will cope


What makes you smile?

Good things, sometimes bad things can make you smile also, you never know, what really makes you smile or happy, but I can mention few.

Be surrounded by people who care and love you, for who you are, they are my family, and my friends. I’m who I am today because of them.
·        Knowing that God loves me, is important more than anything
·        Living a good healthy
·        Taking care of myself
·        Getting what I want
·        See people laughing
·        Doing something nice for other people
·        Good compliment by my customers
·        Being early at work
·        Sleeping when I’m tired
·        Sharing food, information, knowledge, etc.
·        Reading my bible, books, and meets my deadlines.
·        Listening to Gospel music and go to church, oh!!! I miss that so much.
·        Being appreciated for what you’ve done
·        Exceed in my exam paper.

I can not mention all but what I can tell is if you don’t have friends, family or people who care and love you, you will never find happiness, so you don’t have anything to smile about, yes! You can have all the money in the world, but there will be always something missing in your heart. It’s true what they say you will never buy love, friends and happiness.

Wedding cake- in- the- middle- of- the- road

Who put it there? I can’t imagine what I would do if I saw a cake in the middle of the road, maybe I will eat it or pass it; I just don’t know what I will do. The cake its there waiting for me, maybe I will be best if I can be a good Samarian and  take it to the bakery store.

Imagine a big wedding cake right in front of you, mmm!!! I love cakes, I think I should buy recipe books on how to bake big wedding cakes, I don’t want to struggle when it’s my wedding, in fact I want to bake my own wedding cake

Although it’s a cake but to me it’s like a life time opportunity, when you seen an opportunity waiting for you, what do you do? Do you run away or you grab it immediately? Of course the answer is simple you grab it, as human beings we have this perception of saying ‘’opportunities like this comes once’’, if you miss it you will never get it back, so eating every piece of the cake alone its not a bad, never mind the kilos you will gain. Go out and eat that cake in the middle of the road.