Monday, September 26, 2011

Write a list: the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

1.    Wasting time playing social network, instead of getting your work done.
2.    Gossip about other people personal life (celebrity gossip news)
3.    Chatting to someone you don’t know (strangers)
4.    Finding  strange things on the internet that will scary the rest of your life
5.    Accidently sending someone else (boss, lecturer, manager or your mother) your message instead of your friend.
6.    Finding out that people are not what they say they are (fake).
7.    Seeing naked pictures of people, which you didn’t expect to see.
8.    Dating the wrong person.
9.    Lying about who you are.
10. Downloading music and movies to your phone including fake CD’s and DVD’s

The elephant in the room

Who was lying and now the truth come out. The truth is something that we cannot run away from, it always have its own way of coming out. Imagine a big fat animal in your room, tell me what you will do, run away, that won’t solve anything. Elephant in the rooms means the truth came out at last, now you have to face the consequences of it.
My mom used to told me not to lie, always tell the truth, even if how bad it is. I’m a child of God; I must always tell the truth as it, because it will cost me the rest of my life.  My clan name is Ndlovu (means elephant in English) that means elephant is one of my favourite animals. Even if I can find elephant in my room it’s no danger to me, because we are the same in fact an elephant is my great-grandfather, so I will welcome it serve it with coffee and food. Our grandparents used to share the same bed, why can’t we do the same, that is of my cultural background.
I am Ndlovu an elephant woman.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Make it Happen – Taking Initiative

Do you make things happen for yourself and for your friends or teammates? Or, do you wait for someone else to tell you what to do? No matter what job you're in, you'll only be successful if you can "make things happen."
"There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened." This is where it's essential to take initiative. People who have initiative and make things happen are highly valued especially in workplace, but, what is it? And how can you develop it?
When you show initiative, you do things without being told; you find out what you need to know; you keep going when things get tough; and you spot and take advantage of opportunities that others pass by. You act, instead of reacting, for example at work most of us have seen initiative in action. Maybe you've seen a young manager who fills her boss's shoes when she's sick and the rest of the team is unsure what to do; or perhaps you've seen a team member proposing a process improvement plan to the executive board.
Initiative has become increasingly important in today's workplace. Organizations want employees who can think on their feet and take action without waiting for someone to tell them what to do. After all, this type of flexibility and courage is what pushes teams and organizations to innovate, and to overcome competition.
Nedbank says Make things Happen

Every day is a good day

The sky is blue, roses are red, the sun is shining and everyone is smiling. What else can you ask for, if you have all of these things. This should always keep you in a good mood. Every day is a good day we must give thanks to the Lord our saviour. Whatever situation you are facing, always remember that it’s God only who create a day and night.
Remind me of a song by Vickie Winans that says ‘’everyday is a good day to give thanks unto the lord for all he’s done for us, for he has done great things. Oh how we love him, how we love him, How we love him for what he’s done.’’
So please agree with me, when I say no matter how you look at your day, believing in who you are and what you are, everyday is special, that is why we as humans we should always celebrate everyday that we live, because you will never know what can happen tomorrow. My teacher used to tell four things that will encourage if you ever feel like giving up:
·         Turn every challenge into an opportunity.
·        Cope with radical change without falling apart.
·        Heal from difficult past experiences.
·        Find serenity, happiness, and meaningful success
Every day when I wake the first I do is to pray and thank God for a day he gave me, because it’s his mercy that I’m awake, even before I sleep at night I always pray. This is how I celebrate my day.